Upon completion of the A.A.S. degree, the student will be eligible to sit for the board exam with the American Registry of Radiologic technologists (A.R.R.T.) to become a licensed medical radiographer.
Depending on a number of factors, including geographic location, duties of employment and their own personal qualities, graduates can reasonably expect entry level salaries ranging from $54,000 to $60,000 per year.
Due to limited enrollment, we can not accept every applicant. Potential students will need to complete an interview process with the Radiography faculty.
Name | Daniel Fink |
Title | Radiography Program Director |
Room | HS - 315 |
Program Area |
Division of Allied Health
Phone | 409-944-1444 | | |
Admin Support |
Elizabeth lles 409-944-1490 |
To be considered for the program, you must complete both the Program Application and the Galveston College Admissions Application.
The radiography program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850 Chicago, IL 60606-3182
The program’s current award is 8 years. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found at
The radiography program is recognized by the American Registry of Radiologic Technology (ARRT).
ARRT, American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
1255 Northland Drive, St. Paul, MN 55120-1155
Admissions and transfer of credit policies:
Galveston College Catalog: Page 23 & 24 admission
Page 67,68 ,& 69 transfer of credit policies
Tuition, fees, and refunds:
Galveston College Catalog: Page 36 – 40
Graduation Requirements:
Galveston College Catalog: Page 79
Grading System:
Galveston College Catalog: Pages 76 & 77
Student Handbook Radiography Program: Page 59
Academic Calendar:
Galveston College Catalog: Pages 8,9 &10
Clinical Obligations: See attached
Grievance policy and/or procedures:
Galveston College Catalog: Pages 58, 61 & 62
Student Handbook Radiography Program: Student Handbook
Emergency Operations Plan: View Emergency Plan
The Associate of Applied Science Degree in Radiography is designed for general studies students. This associate program consists of five semesters and is twenty-one months in length. The total cost of the program is approximate $7,000-$8,500 with books and fees.
· Students must have access to a computer and the internet to access course materials, complete online assignments, quizzes, and exams.
· Transportation and parking expenses are the responsibility of the student.
· Mandatory background check and drug screening, at student’s cost, prior to matriculation (approx. $110.00)
· Mandatory CPR Certification (American Heart Association) prior to the start of the Program at student expense.
· Any required immunizations are the responsibility of the student
· Expenses for scrubs are the responsibility of the student.
· Expenses for radiography lead markers are the responsibity of the students
· Trajecsys Report System (approx. $150.00)
- Graduate students that will be competent, entry-level radiographers prepared for the healthcare field.
Expected outcome
- Graduates will demonstrate adequate entry level radiography skills
- Students will produce quality diagnostic radiographs
- Students will be able to perform basic patient care skills
- Students will demonstrate radiation protection methods while following the concepts “ALARA” and imaging “gently and wisely”.
- Students will be able to critique finished radiographs for diagnostic quality
- Students will demonstrate appropriate communication skills.
Expected outcome
- Students demonstrate appropriate communication skills in the clinical setting
- Employers will report that graduates demonstrate appropriate communication skills upon employment
- Students will demonstrate appropriate critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Expected outcome
- Students will be able to safely operate radiographic equipment
- Students will be able to perform radiographic examinations in an emergency and trauma environment
- Students will be able to administer age appropriate patient care
- The student (graduate) will understand the importance of professional values and lifelong learning.
Expected outcome
- Students will demonstrate professional behavior
- Students will demonstrate understanding of professional ethics
- The student (graduate) will be capable of fulfilling the needs of the healthcare community in radiologic sciences.
Expected outcome
- Graduates will consider themselves adequately prepared to be entry level radiographers.
- Academic Requirements
- TSI scores for TSI-eligible students or placement scores for TSI-exempt students which permit enrollment in college level courses must appear on official transcript.
- Make application to Galveston College.
- Submit program application prior to the application deadline. Submission of program application does not guarantee admission into the Radiography Program.
- Complete the program prerequisites prior to the application deadline with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
- Overall a minimum GPA of 2.5.
- Math and science courses must be completed within 5 years of acceptance into the program.
- Program applications are accepted Fall applications September 15 through May 20. Summer applications accepted May 15 through January 8.
- Degree plan must show evidence of:
- Achieving a grade of “C” or better in MATH 1314 College Algebra or MATH elective (see note section of degree plan).
- Achieving a grade of “C” or better in BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I.
- Achieving a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1301 Composition I.
- An overall GPA of 2.5. It is highly recommended that the general education courses be completed prior to enrollment in the program. A grade of “C” or better is required in the general education courses. Math and science courses must be completed within five years of acceptance into the program.
- Criteria for Acceptance into the Program: Galveston College cannot accept all applicants due to limited clinical space in the
program. Criteria for student selection are based on the following:
- GPA of prerequisites
- Overall GPA
- Overall academic profile
- Terminal awards and/or degrees form academic institutions.
- Interview process: Only those students who complete the prerequisites prior to interview date will be extended an interview by the admissions committee.
- Program interviews are conducted during the month of May/June for Fall start and January for Summer start.
- Notification of program application status deadline is June 30 for the Fall start and February 28 for Summer start.
- Acceptance into the Program: Once the applicant has been accepted into the program they are responsible for the
- Provide proof or complete the Hepatitis B immunization series including titer or show proof of illness prior to clinical attendance deadline of November 1, Fall start and August 1, Summer start .
- Complete Varicella immunization (Chicken Pox) or show proof of illness prior to the clinical attendance deadline of November 1, Fall start and August 1, Summer start .
- The Galveston College Allied Health programs do not currently require the COVID-19 vaccination or boosters. However, the majority of our clinical affiliates do require that students be vaccinated in order to do a clinical rotation at their site. Due to this mandate, we are strongly encouraging all students to be vaccinated. Any student who chooses not to be vaccinated will have extremely limited clinical options and/or may not be placed in a clinical rotation. If the student cannot complete or be placed in a clinical rotation, the student will not satisfy the requirements to graduate from their program. The college will not be responsible for refunding any money for clinical classes not completed due to the student’s decision to remain unvaccinated.
- Complete a background check through Galveston College, at student’s expense, upon acceptance into the program.
- Complete a drug screening test through Galveston College, at student’s expense, upon acceptance into the program.
- Attend mandatory program orientation prior to enrolling in program courses.
- Provide proof of personal health insurance.
- Curriculum: The curriculum for the Radiography Program is based on the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) curriculum grid. The ASRT curriculum grid is approved by the program’s accrediting agency, the JRCERT. All program courses must be completed with a minimum grade of 75% to progress in the program.
Upon completion of program requirements, the student receives an Associate of Applied Science Degree from Galveston College. The student is also eligible, upon graduation, to apply to the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) to sit for the national certification examination.
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) – Radiography
Prerequisite Courses
Course | Description | Credit |
BIOL 2401 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
MATH 1314 | College Algebra3 | 3 |
ENGL 1301 | Composition I |
3 |
Total: |
10 |
First Year
First Semester |
Course | Description | Credit |
RADR 1411 | Basic Radiographic Procedures | 4 |
RADR 1202 | Radiographic Image Evaluation I | 2 |
RADR 2209 | Radiographic Imaging Equipment | 2 |
RADR 1309 | Introduction to Radiography & Patient Care | 3 |
Total: |
Second Semester |
Course | Description | Credit |
RADR 1166 | Practicum I | 1 |
RADR 1313 | Principles of Radiographic Imaging | 3 |
RADR 2401 | Intermediate Radiographic Procedures | 4 |
RADR 1250 | Radiographic Image Evaluation II | 2 |
Language, Philosophy & Culture2 or Creative Arts2 |
Total: |
Third Semester |
Course | Description | Credit |
RADR 1267 | Practicum II | 2 |
RADR 2340 | Sectional Anatomy | 3 |
RADR 2313 | Radiation Biology & Safety |
Total: | 8 |
Second Year
Fourth Semester |
Course | Description | Credit |
RADR 2305 | Principles of Radiography II | 3 |
RADR 2217 | Radiographic Pathology | 2 |
RADR 1367 | Practicum III | 3 |
PSYC 2301 | General Psychology | 3 |
Total: | 11 | |
Fifth Semester |
Course | Description | Credit |
RADR 2466 | Practicum IV* | 4 |
RADR 2333 | Advanced Medical Imaging | 3 |
RADR 2335 | Radiographic Technology Seminar* | 3 |
Total: |
10 |
64 |
3MATH 1314 is suggested or select one course from: MATH 1316, 1325, 2312, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2318, 2320, 2321, or 2305. 2Select from courses listed in Galveston College’s Core Curriculum section of the college catalog. *Identifies capstone course |
For more information about the Radiography program, contact the Allied Health Advisor at (409) 944-1444 or The Allied Health Division at (409) 944-1490.
Because of the inherent requirements of the profession, certain minimum physical abilities are expected. An otherwise qualified individual is someone who, with or without an accommodation can perform the following non-academic program requirements.
1. Vision and Observation Skills
Visual acuity corrected to 20/20
Visually discern details in procedures and equipment operations in low light settings.
Hear low tones, distinguish background noises associated with patients and equipment.
2. Physical and Motor Skill Requirements
Possess sufficient motor function skills to operate all equipment associated with patient care
and performance of radiographic examinations.
Transfer immobile patients from wheelchairs and stretchers to radiographic tables.
3. Communication Requirements
Communicate in English effectively both orally and written.
Communicate proficiently and effectively with patients and coworkers.
4. Critical Thinking Skills
Must be able to interpret and process clinical data pertinent to clinical responsibilities.
Ability to solve clinic/patient care issues through assessment and critical thinking.
5. Professional Behavior
Adhere to American Society of Radiologic Technologists Code of Ethics.
Respect all aspects of the Patient’s Bill of Rights.
Follow clinical guidelines of affiliates and maintain a professional appearance at all times.
The JRCERT has defined not actively seeking employment as:
1) the graduate fails to communicate with program officials regarding employment status after multiple attempts
2) graduate is unwilling to seek employment that requires relocation
3) graduate is unwilling to accept employment, for example, due to salary or hours
4) graduate is on active military duty, and/or
5) graduate is continuing education.
Course work from another program will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Program Coordinator. A grade of “C” or better is required on all transferred prerequisite, general education and program specific courses. Transfer students from another program will be admitted on a space-available basis.
Transfer students must:
- Complete admission requirements to Galveston College as well as the Program admission criteria.
- Currently hold a cumulative GPA of 2.5 on transfer course work.
- Submit course syllabi for review, if requested by program coordinator.
- Agree to a complete a disclosure of information form.
See the most recent college catalog for additional information and course descriptions.
Next Steps
Start the convenient online application process @ DynamicForms.
Career Coach is a FREE online tool designed to help you find a great career by providing the most current local data on wages, employment, job postings, and associated education and training.
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Financial aid is available to help eligible part-time and full-time students pay for college. It can be a combination of grants, loans and work-study.
To learn more about the types of scholarships and their deadlines, please click on the “Learn More” link below.
Name |
Daniel Fink |
Phone: | 409-944-1444 |
Questions? Contact Us.
Hours of Operation
8:00 A.M. - 5 P.M.