Galveston College Vocational and Associate Degree Nursing program students were recently part of the 2023 Commemorative Air Force Wings Over Houston Airshow at Ellington Airport in Harris County.


The GC Nursing Department works each year to help support the UTMB Aerospace Medical Department by assisting in manning the various venues for First and Basic Medical Care at the yearly scheduled three-day event.


In the past, students have also volunteered for additional hours for non-medical support as large crowds are always in attendance to view an opportunity to experience the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, Blue Angels, vintage and other high-performance aircraft along with numerous vendors.

For more information about the Nursing programs at Galveston College, visit, email, or call 409-944-1396.


Nursing volunteers pose with pilots.Nursing volunteers pose with characters from Star Wars movies.


Galveston College was founded in 1967 and is a comprehensive community college providing the residents of Galveston Island and the surrounding region with academic, workforce development, continuing education and community service programs.